Class BytesMessageImpl

  extended by net.sf.dropboxmq.messages.MessageImpl
      extended by net.sf.dropboxmq.messages.BytesMessageImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
BytesMessage, Message

public class BytesMessageImpl
extends MessageImpl
implements BytesMessage

Created: 15 Jan 2006

$Revision: 231 $, $Date: 2011-08-12 21:50:47 -0600 (Fri, 12 Aug 2011) $
Dwayne Schultz

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface javax.jms.Message
Constructor Summary
BytesMessageImpl(BytesMessage foreignMessage, SessionImpl session)
BytesMessageImpl(SessionImpl session)
Method Summary
protected  void checkWrite()
 void clearBody()
          Clears out the message body.
 long getBodyLength()
          Gets the number of bytes of the message body when the message is in read-only mode.
 void read(File newMessageFile, FileSystem fileSystem)
 boolean readBoolean()
          Reads a boolean from the bytes message stream.
 byte readByte()
          Reads a signed 8-bit value from the bytes message stream.
 int readBytes(byte[] value)
          Reads a byte array from the bytes message stream.
 int readBytes(byte[] value, int length)
          Reads a portion of the bytes message stream.
 char readChar()
          Reads a Unicode character value from the bytes message stream.
 double readDouble()
          Reads a double from the bytes message stream.
(package private) static byte[] readFile(File messageFile, FileSystem fileSystem)
 float readFloat()
          Reads a float from the bytes message stream.
 int readInt()
          Reads a signed 32-bit integer from the bytes message stream.
 long readLong()
          Reads a signed 64-bit integer from the bytes message stream.
 short readShort()
          Reads a signed 16-bit number from the bytes message stream.
 int readUnsignedByte()
          Reads an unsigned 8-bit number from the bytes message stream.
 int readUnsignedShort()
          Reads an unsigned 16-bit number from the bytes message stream.
 String readUTF()
          Reads a string that has been encoded using a modified UTF-8 format from the bytes message stream.
 void reset()
          Puts the message body in read-only mode and repositions the stream of bytes to the beginning.
 void setReceived(boolean received)
 String toString()
 void write(File newMessageFile, FileSystem fileSystem)
 void writeBoolean(boolean value)
          Writes a boolean to the bytes message stream as a 1-byte value.
 void writeByte(byte value)
          Writes a byte to the bytes message stream as a 1-byte value.
 void writeBytes(byte[] value)
          Writes a byte array to the bytes message stream.
 void writeBytes(byte[] value, int offset, int length)
          Writes a portion of a byte array to the bytes message stream.
 void writeChar(char value)
          Writes a char to the bytes message stream as a 2-byte value, high byte first.
 void writeDouble(double value)
          Converts the double argument to a long using the doubleToLongBits method in class Double, and then writes that long value to the bytes message stream as an 8-byte quantity, high byte first.
(package private) static void writeFile(byte[] bytes, File messageFile, FileSystem fileSystem)
 void writeFloat(float value)
          Converts the float argument to an int using the floatToIntBits method in class Float, and then writes that int value to the bytes message stream as a 4-byte quantity, high byte first.
 void writeInt(int value)
          Writes an int to the bytes message stream as four bytes, high byte first.
 void writeLong(long value)
          Writes a long to the bytes message stream as eight bytes, high byte first.
 void writeObject(Object value)
          Writes an object to the bytes message stream.
 void writeShort(short value)
          Writes a short to the bytes message stream as two bytes, high byte first.
 void writeUTF(String value)
          Writes a string to the bytes message stream using UTF-8 encoding in a machine-independent manner.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.dropboxmq.messages.MessageImpl
acknowledge, clearProperties, convertForeignMessage, getBooleanProperty, getByteProperty, getDoubleProperty, getFloatProperty, getIntProperty, getJMSCorrelationID, getJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes, getJMSDeliveryMode, getJMSDestination, getJMSExpiration, getJMSMessageID, getJMSPriority, getJMSRedelivered, getJMSReplyTo, getJMSTimestamp, getJMSType, getLongProperty, getObjectProperty, getPropertyNames, getReadMessageFile, getSequence, getSession, getShortProperty, getStringProperty, isBodyReadOnly, isExpired, isReceived, propertyExists, setBooleanProperty, setByteProperty, setDoubleProperty, setFloatProperty, setIntProperty, setJMSCorrelationID, setJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes, setJMSDeliveryMode, setJMSDestination, setJMSExpiration, setJMSMessageID, setJMSPriority, setJMSRedelivered, setJMSReplyTo, setJMSTimestamp, setJMSType, setLongProperty, setObjectProperty, setSequence, setSession, setShortProperty, setStringProperty, toObjectString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.jms.Message
acknowledge, clearProperties, getBooleanProperty, getByteProperty, getDoubleProperty, getFloatProperty, getIntProperty, getJMSCorrelationID, getJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes, getJMSDeliveryMode, getJMSDestination, getJMSExpiration, getJMSMessageID, getJMSPriority, getJMSRedelivered, getJMSReplyTo, getJMSTimestamp, getJMSType, getLongProperty, getObjectProperty, getPropertyNames, getShortProperty, getStringProperty, propertyExists, setBooleanProperty, setByteProperty, setDoubleProperty, setFloatProperty, setIntProperty, setJMSCorrelationID, setJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes, setJMSDeliveryMode, setJMSDestination, setJMSExpiration, setJMSMessageID, setJMSPriority, setJMSRedelivered, setJMSReplyTo, setJMSTimestamp, setJMSType, setLongProperty, setObjectProperty, setShortProperty, setStringProperty

Constructor Detail


public BytesMessageImpl(SessionImpl session)


BytesMessageImpl(BytesMessage foreignMessage,
                 SessionImpl session)
           throws JMSException
Method Detail


public void read(File newMessageFile,
                 FileSystem fileSystem)
          throws IOException,
read in class MessageImpl


static byte[] readFile(File messageFile,
                       FileSystem fileSystem)
                throws IOException


public void write(File newMessageFile,
                  FileSystem fileSystem)
           throws IOException,
write in class MessageImpl


static void writeFile(byte[] bytes,
                      File messageFile,
                      FileSystem fileSystem)
               throws IOException


public void clearBody()
               throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.Message
Clears out the message body. Clearing a message's body does not clear its header values or property entries.

If this message body was read-only, calling this method leaves the message body in the same state as an empty body in a newly created message.

Specified by:
clearBody in interface Message
clearBody in class MessageImpl
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to clear the message body due to some internal error.


public long getBodyLength()
                   throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Gets the number of bytes of the message body when the message is in read-only mode. The value returned can be used to allocate a byte array. The value returned is the entire length of the message body, regardless of where the pointer for reading the message is currently located.

Specified by:
getBodyLength in interface BytesMessage
number of bytes in the message
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
MessageNotReadableException - if the message is in write-only mode.


public boolean readBoolean()
                    throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a boolean from the bytes message stream.

Specified by:
readBoolean in interface BytesMessage
the boolean value read
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
MessageEOFException - if unexpected end of bytes stream has been reached.
MessageNotReadableException - if the message is in write-only mode.


public byte readByte()
              throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a signed 8-bit value from the bytes message stream.

Specified by:
readByte in interface BytesMessage
the next byte from the bytes message stream as a signed 8-bit byte
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
MessageEOFException - if unexpected end of bytes stream has been reached.
MessageNotReadableException - if the message is in write-only mode.


public int readUnsignedByte()
                     throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads an unsigned 8-bit number from the bytes message stream.

Specified by:
readUnsignedByte in interface BytesMessage
the next byte from the bytes message stream, interpreted as an unsigned 8-bit number
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
MessageEOFException - if unexpected end of bytes stream has been reached.
MessageNotReadableException - if the message is in write-only mode.


public short readShort()
                throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a signed 16-bit number from the bytes message stream.

Specified by:
readShort in interface BytesMessage
the next two bytes from the bytes message stream, interpreted as a signed 16-bit number
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
MessageEOFException - if unexpected end of bytes stream has been reached.
MessageNotReadableException - if the message is in write-only mode.


public int readUnsignedShort()
                      throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads an unsigned 16-bit number from the bytes message stream.

Specified by:
readUnsignedShort in interface BytesMessage
the next two bytes from the bytes message stream, interpreted as an unsigned 16-bit integer
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
MessageEOFException - if unexpected end of bytes stream has been reached.
MessageNotReadableException - if the message is in write-only mode.


public char readChar()
              throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a Unicode character value from the bytes message stream.

Specified by:
readChar in interface BytesMessage
the next two bytes from the bytes message stream as a Unicode character
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
MessageEOFException - if unexpected end of bytes stream has been reached.
MessageNotReadableException - if the message is in write-only mode.


public int readInt()
            throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a signed 32-bit integer from the bytes message stream.

Specified by:
readInt in interface BytesMessage
the next four bytes from the bytes message stream, interpreted as an int
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
MessageEOFException - if unexpected end of bytes stream has been reached.
MessageNotReadableException - if the message is in write-only mode.


public long readLong()
              throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a signed 64-bit integer from the bytes message stream.

Specified by:
readLong in interface BytesMessage
the next eight bytes from the bytes message stream, interpreted as a long
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
MessageEOFException - if unexpected end of bytes stream has been reached.
MessageNotReadableException - if the message is in write-only mode.


public float readFloat()
                throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a float from the bytes message stream.

Specified by:
readFloat in interface BytesMessage
the next four bytes from the bytes message stream, interpreted as a float
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
MessageEOFException - if unexpected end of bytes stream has been reached.
MessageNotReadableException - if the message is in write-only mode.


public double readDouble()
                  throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a double from the bytes message stream.

Specified by:
readDouble in interface BytesMessage
the next eight bytes from the bytes message stream, interpreted as a double
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
MessageEOFException - if unexpected end of bytes stream has been reached.
MessageNotReadableException - if the message is in write-only mode.


public String readUTF()
               throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a string that has been encoded using a modified UTF-8 format from the bytes message stream.

For more information on the UTF-8 format, see "File System Safe UCS Transformation Format (FSS_UTF)", X/Open Preliminary Specification, X/Open Company Ltd., Document Number: P316. This information also appears in ISO/IEC 10646, Annex P.

Specified by:
readUTF in interface BytesMessage
a Unicode string from the bytes message stream
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
MessageEOFException - if unexpected end of bytes stream has been reached.
MessageNotReadableException - if the message is in write-only mode.


public int readBytes(byte[] value)
              throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a byte array from the bytes message stream.

If the length of array value is less than the number of bytes remaining to be read from the stream, the array should be filled. A subsequent call reads the next increment, and so on.

If the number of bytes remaining in the stream is less than the length of array value, the bytes should be read into the array. The return value of the total number of bytes read will be less than the length of the array, indicating that there are no more bytes left to be read from the stream. The next read of the stream returns -1.

Specified by:
readBytes in interface BytesMessage
value - the buffer into which the data is read
the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or -1 if there is no more data because the end of the stream has been reached
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
MessageNotReadableException - if the message is in write-only mode.


public int readBytes(byte[] value,
                     int length)
              throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Reads a portion of the bytes message stream.

If the length of array value is less than the number of bytes remaining to be read from the stream, the array should be filled. A subsequent call reads the next increment, and so on.

If the number of bytes remaining in the stream is less than the length of array value, the bytes should be read into the array. The return value of the total number of bytes read will be less than the length of the array, indicating that there are no more bytes left to be read from the stream. The next read of the stream returns -1.

If length is negative, or length is greater than the length of the array value, then an IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown. No bytes will be read from the stream for this exception case.

Specified by:
readBytes in interface BytesMessage
value - the buffer into which the data is read
length - the number of bytes to read; must be less than or equal to value.length
the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or -1 if there is no more data because the end of the stream has been reached
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
MessageNotReadableException - if the message is in write-only mode.


public void writeBoolean(boolean value)
                  throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a boolean to the bytes message stream as a 1-byte value. The value true is written as the value (byte)1; the value false is written as the value (byte)0.

Specified by:
writeBoolean in interface BytesMessage
value - the boolean value to be written
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to write the message due to some internal error.
MessageNotWriteableException - if the message is in read-only mode.


public void writeByte(byte value)
               throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a byte to the bytes message stream as a 1-byte value.

Specified by:
writeByte in interface BytesMessage
value - the byte value to be written
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to write the message due to some internal error.
MessageNotWriteableException - if the message is in read-only mode.


public void writeShort(short value)
                throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a short to the bytes message stream as two bytes, high byte first.

Specified by:
writeShort in interface BytesMessage
value - the short to be written
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to write the message due to some internal error.
MessageNotWriteableException - if the message is in read-only mode.


public void writeChar(char value)
               throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a char to the bytes message stream as a 2-byte value, high byte first.

Specified by:
writeChar in interface BytesMessage
value - the char value to be written
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to write the message due to some internal error.
MessageNotWriteableException - if the message is in read-only mode.


public void writeInt(int value)
              throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes an int to the bytes message stream as four bytes, high byte first.

Specified by:
writeInt in interface BytesMessage
value - the int to be written
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to write the message due to some internal error.
MessageNotWriteableException - if the message is in read-only mode.


public void writeLong(long value)
               throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a long to the bytes message stream as eight bytes, high byte first.

Specified by:
writeLong in interface BytesMessage
value - the long to be written
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to write the message due to some internal error.
MessageNotWriteableException - if the message is in read-only mode.


public void writeFloat(float value)
                throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Converts the float argument to an int using the floatToIntBits method in class Float, and then writes that int value to the bytes message stream as a 4-byte quantity, high byte first.

Specified by:
writeFloat in interface BytesMessage
value - the float value to be written
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to write the message due to some internal error.
MessageNotWriteableException - if the message is in read-only mode.


public void writeDouble(double value)
                 throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Converts the double argument to a long using the doubleToLongBits method in class Double, and then writes that long value to the bytes message stream as an 8-byte quantity, high byte first.

Specified by:
writeDouble in interface BytesMessage
value - the double value to be written
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to write the message due to some internal error.
MessageNotWriteableException - if the message is in read-only mode.


public void writeUTF(String value)
              throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a string to the bytes message stream using UTF-8 encoding in a machine-independent manner.

For more information on the UTF-8 format, see "File System Safe UCS Transformation Format (FSS_UTF)", X/Open Preliminary Specification, X/Open Company Ltd., Document Number: P316. This information also appears in ISO/IEC 10646, Annex P.

Specified by:
writeUTF in interface BytesMessage
value - the String value to be written
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to write the message due to some internal error.
MessageNotWriteableException - if the message is in read-only mode.


public void writeBytes(byte[] value)
                throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a byte array to the bytes message stream.

Specified by:
writeBytes in interface BytesMessage
value - the byte array to be written
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to write the message due to some internal error.
MessageNotWriteableException - if the message is in read-only mode.


public void writeBytes(byte[] value,
                       int offset,
                       int length)
                throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a portion of a byte array to the bytes message stream.

Specified by:
writeBytes in interface BytesMessage
value - the byte array value to be written
offset - the initial offset within the byte array
length - the number of bytes to use
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to write the message due to some internal error.
MessageNotWriteableException - if the message is in read-only mode.


public void writeObject(Object value)
                 throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Writes an object to the bytes message stream.

This method works only for the objectified primitive object types (Integer, Double, Long ...), String objects, and byte arrays.

Specified by:
writeObject in interface BytesMessage
value - the object in the Java programming language ("Java object") to be written; it must not be null
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to write the message due to some internal error.
MessageFormatException - if the object is of an invalid type.
MessageNotWriteableException - if the message is in read-only mode.


public final void reset()
                 throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.BytesMessage
Puts the message body in read-only mode and repositions the stream of bytes to the beginning.

Specified by:
reset in interface BytesMessage
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to reset the message due to some internal error.
MessageFormatException - if the message has an invalid format.


public void setReceived(boolean received)
                 throws JMSException
setReceived in class MessageImpl


protected void checkWrite()
                   throws JMSException
checkWrite in class MessageImpl


public String toString()
toString in class MessageImpl