Class ConnectionImpl

  extended by net.sf.dropboxmq.connections.ConnectionImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
QueueConnectionImpl, TopicConnectionImpl, XAConnectionImpl

public class ConnectionImpl
extends Object
implements Connection

Created: 09 Mar 2006

$Revision: 231 $, $Date: 2011-08-12 21:50:47 -0600 (Fri, 12 Aug 2011) $
Dwayne Schultz

Field Summary
static String JMSX_GROUP_ID
static String JMSX_GROUP_SEQ
Constructor Summary
ConnectionImpl(ManagedConnectionImpl managedConnection, Configuration configuration)
Method Summary
 void addDurableSubscriptionName(String durableSubscriptionName)
protected  void addSession(SessionImpl session)
protected  void checkClosed()
 void close()
          Closes the connection.
 ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(Destination destination, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages)
          Creates a connection consumer for this connection (optional operation).
 ConnectionConsumer createDurableConnectionConsumer(Topic topic, String subscriptionName, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages)
          Create a durable connection consumer for this connection (optional operation).
 Session createNonXASession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode)
 Session createSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode)
          Creates a Session object.
 String getClientID()
          Gets the client identifier for this connection.
protected  Configuration getConfiguration()
 ExceptionListener getExceptionListener()
          Gets the ExceptionListener object for this connection.
 String getLocalClientID()
protected  Object getLock()
 ManagedConnectionImpl getManagedConnection()
 ConnectionMetaData getMetaData()
          Gets the metadata for this connection.
 DropboxTransaction newDropboxTransaction(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode)
 void removeDurableSubscriptionName(String durableSubscriptionName)
 void removeServerConsumer(ServerConsumer serverConsumer)
 void removeSession(SessionImpl session)
 void setClientID(String clientID)
          Sets the client identifier for this connection.
 void setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener listener)
          Sets an exception listener for this connection.
 void start()
          Starts (or restarts) a connection's delivery of incoming messages.
 void stop()
          Temporarily stops a connection's delivery of incoming messages.
protected  String toObjectString()
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String JMS_PROVIDER_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PROVIDER_VERSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String JMSX_DELIVERY_COUNT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String JMSX_GROUP_ID
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String JMSX_GROUP_SEQ
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ConnectionImpl(ManagedConnectionImpl managedConnection,
                      Configuration configuration)
               throws JMSException
Method Detail


public Session createSession(boolean transacted,
                             int acknowledgeMode)
                      throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.Connection
Creates a Session object.

Specified by:
createSession in interface Connection
transacted - indicates whether the session is transacted
acknowledgeMode - indicates whether the consumer or the client will acknowledge any messages it receives; ignored if the session is transacted. Legal values are Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, and Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE.
a newly created session
JMSException - if the Connection object fails to create a session due to some internal error or lack of support for the specific transaction and acknowledgement mode.
See Also:


public Session createNonXASession(boolean transacted,
                                  int acknowledgeMode)
                           throws JMSException


public DropboxTransaction newDropboxTransaction(boolean transacted,
                                                int acknowledgeMode)


public String getClientID()
                   throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.Connection
Gets the client identifier for this connection.

This value is specific to the JMS provider. It is either preconfigured by an administrator in a ConnectionFactory object or assigned dynamically by the application by calling the setClientID method.

Specified by:
getClientID in interface Connection
the unique client identifier
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to return the client ID for this connection due to some internal error.


public String getLocalClientID()


public void setClientID(String clientID)
                 throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.Connection
Sets the client identifier for this connection.

The preferred way to assign a JMS client's client identifier is for it to be configured in a client-specific ConnectionFactory object and transparently assigned to the Connection object it creates.

Alternatively, a client can set a connection's client identifier using a provider-specific value. The facility to set a connection's client identifier explicitly is not a mechanism for overriding the identifier that has been administratively configured. It is provided for the case where no administratively specified identifier exists. If one does exist, an attempt to change it by setting it must throw an IllegalStateException. If a client sets the client identifier explicitly, it must do so immediately after it creates the connection and before any other action on the connection is taken. After this point, setting the client identifier is a programming error that should throw an IllegalStateException.

The purpose of the client identifier is to associate a connection and its objects with a state maintained on behalf of the client by a provider. The only such state identified by the JMS API is that required to support durable subscriptions.

If another connection with the same clientID is already running when this method is called, the JMS provider should detect the duplicate ID and throw an InvalidClientIDException.

Specified by:
setClientID in interface Connection
clientID - the unique client identifier
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to set the client ID for this connection due to some internal error.
InvalidClientIDException - if the JMS client specifies an invalid or duplicate client ID.
IllegalStateException - if the JMS client attempts to set a connection's client ID at the wrong time or when it has been administratively configured.


public ConnectionMetaData getMetaData()
                               throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.Connection
Gets the metadata for this connection.

Specified by:
getMetaData in interface Connection
the connection metadata
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to get the connection metadata for this connection.
See Also:


public ExceptionListener getExceptionListener()
                                       throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.Connection
Gets the ExceptionListener object for this connection. Not every Connection has an ExceptionListener associated with it.

Specified by:
getExceptionListener in interface Connection
the ExceptionListener for this connection, or null. if no ExceptionListener is associated with this connection.
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to get the ExceptionListener for this connection.
See Also:


public void setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener listener)
                          throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.Connection
Sets an exception listener for this connection.

If a JMS provider detects a serious problem with a connection, it informs the connection's ExceptionListener, if one has been registered. It does this by calling the listener's onException method, passing it a JMSException object describing the problem.

An exception listener allows a client to be notified of a problem asynchronously. Some connections only consume messages, so they would have no other way to learn their connection has failed.

A connection serializes execution of its ExceptionListener.

A JMS provider should attempt to resolve connection problems itself before it notifies the client of them.

Specified by:
setExceptionListener in interface Connection
listener - the exception listener
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to set the exception listener for this connection.


public void start()
           throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.Connection
Starts (or restarts) a connection's delivery of incoming messages. A call to start on a connection that has already been started is ignored.

Specified by:
start in interface Connection
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to start message delivery due to some internal error.
See Also:


public void stop()
          throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.Connection
Temporarily stops a connection's delivery of incoming messages. Delivery can be restarted using the connection's start method. When the connection is stopped, delivery to all the connection's message consumers is inhibited: synchronous receives block, and messages are not delivered to message listeners.

This call blocks until receives and/or message listeners in progress have completed.

Stopping a connection has no effect on its ability to send messages. A call to stop on a connection that has already been stopped is ignored.

A call to stop must not return until delivery of messages has paused. This means that a client can rely on the fact that none of its message listeners will be called and that all threads of control waiting for receive calls to return will not return with a message until the connection is restarted. The receive timers for a stopped connection continue to advance, so receives may time out while the connection is stopped.

If message listeners are running when stop is invoked, the stop call must wait until all of them have returned before it may return. While these message listeners are completing, they must have the full services of the connection available to them.

Specified by:
stop in interface Connection
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to stop message delivery due to some internal error.
See Also:


public void close()
           throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.Connection
Closes the connection.

Since a provider typically allocates significant resources outside the JVM on behalf of a connection, clients should close these resources when they are not needed. Relying on garbage collection to eventually reclaim these resources may not be timely enough.

There is no need to close the sessions, producers, and consumers of a closed connection.

Closing a connection causes all temporary destinations to be deleted.

When this method is invoked, it should not return until message processing has been shut down in an orderly fashion. This means that all message listeners that may have been running have returned, and that all pending receives have returned. A close terminates all pending message receives on the connection's sessions' consumers. The receives may return with a message or with null, depending on whether there was a message available at the time of the close. If one or more of the connection's sessions' message listeners is processing a message at the time when connection close is invoked, all the facilities of the connection and its sessions must remain available to those listeners until they return control to the JMS provider.

Closing a connection causes any of its sessions' transactions in progress to be rolled back. In the case where a session's work is coordinated by an external transaction manager, a session's commit and rollback methods are not used and the result of a closed session's work is determined later by the transaction manager. Closing a connection does NOT force an acknowledgment of client-acknowledged sessions.

Invoking the acknowledge method of a received message from a closed connection's session must throw an IllegalStateException. Closing a closed connection must NOT throw an exception.

Specified by:
close in interface Connection
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to close the connection due to some internal error. For example, a failure to release resources or to close a socket connection can cause this exception to be thrown.


public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(Destination destination,
                                                   String messageSelector,
                                                   ServerSessionPool sessionPool,
                                                   int maxMessages)
                                            throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.Connection
Creates a connection consumer for this connection (optional operation). This is an expert facility not used by regular JMS clients.

Specified by:
createConnectionConsumer in interface Connection
destination - the destination to access
messageSelector - only messages with properties matching the message selector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no message selector for the message consumer.
sessionPool - the server session pool to associate with this connection consumer
maxMessages - the maximum number of messages that can be assigned to a server session at one time
the connection consumer
JMSException - if the Connection object fails to create a connection consumer due to some internal error or invalid arguments for sessionPool and messageSelector.
InvalidSelectorException - if the message selector is invalid.
See Also:


public ConnectionConsumer createDurableConnectionConsumer(Topic topic,
                                                          String subscriptionName,
                                                          String messageSelector,
                                                          ServerSessionPool sessionPool,
                                                          int maxMessages)
                                                   throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: javax.jms.Connection
Create a durable connection consumer for this connection (optional operation). This is an expert facility not used by regular JMS clients.

Specified by:
createDurableConnectionConsumer in interface Connection
topic - topic to access
subscriptionName - durable subscription name
messageSelector - only messages with properties matching the message selector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no message selector for the message consumer.
sessionPool - the server session pool to associate with this durable connection consumer
maxMessages - the maximum number of messages that can be assigned to a server session at one time
the durable connection consumer
JMSException - if the Connection object fails to create a connection consumer due to some internal error or invalid arguments for sessionPool and messageSelector.
InvalidSelectorException - if the message selector is invalid.
See Also:


protected void addSession(SessionImpl session)
                   throws JMSException


public void removeSession(SessionImpl session)


public void removeServerConsumer(ServerConsumer serverConsumer)


public void addDurableSubscriptionName(String durableSubscriptionName)
                                throws JMSException


public void removeDurableSubscriptionName(String durableSubscriptionName)


protected void checkClosed()
                    throws IllegalStateException


public ManagedConnectionImpl getManagedConnection()


protected Configuration getConfiguration()


protected Object getLock()


public String toString()
toString in class Object


protected final String toObjectString()