Environment Variables
Creating Queues and Topics
Message Routing
Example routing.properties
Directing Routes
Activating and Deactivating Routes
Flow Control
The Global Read Lock
Local Read Locks
Write Lock Properties
Most administrative tasks described here use two environment variables: DROPBOXMQ_HOME
and DROPBOX_ROOT . DROPBOXMQ_HOME is used to locate the DropboxMQ
distribution directory and defaults to the parent directory of the directory containing the
DropboxMQ tool in use. DROPBOX_ROOT specifies the parent directory containing the
dropboxes to be administered. DROPBOX_ROOT defaults to the current working directory
but should be set explicitly to assure administrative tasks are performed in the proper
UNIX: | |
$ export DROPBOXMQ_HOME=/opt/dropboxmq
$ export DROPBOX_ROOT=/dropbox
Windows: | |
C:\> set DROPBOXMQ_HOME=C:\dropboxmq
C:\> set DROPBOX_ROOT=C:\dropbox
NOTE: UNIX commands in this guide were written for the /bin/sh shell and its
Creating a dropbox for a queue or topic is as easy as creating a handful of directories in the
shared DROPBOX_ROOT directory. Still the preferred mechanism for creating queues and
topics is by calling create-dropbox .
create-dropbox -? | -h | --help | /? | /h | /help
Display this help text.
create-dropbox { -q | --queue | /q | /queue } queue-name1
{ -q | --queue | /q | /queue } queue-name2
{ -t | --topic | /t | /topic } topic-name1
{ -t | --topic | /t | /topic } topic-name2
Create the one or more queues and/or topics listed.
Here is how to create a queue called TestQueue1 :
UNIX: | |
$ create-dropbox --queue TestQueue1
Windows: | |
C:\> create-dropbox /queue TestQueue1
Or a queue called ThisQueue and a topic called ThatTopic at the same
UNIX: | |
$ create-dropbox -q ThisQueue -t ThatTopic
Windows: | |
C:\> create-dropbox /q ThisQueue /t ThatTopic
DropboxMQ messages can be routed from one destination to another or simply routed to a holding
location and consumed later. Routes are listed in a routing.properties file located
in the incoming directory. Each route is defined by a name and a JMS message selector
in the format of {route-name}.selector={selector} . An active consumer must attempt to
consume messages for any routes to be used. When multiple routes are defined and active, selectors
are applied in the alphabetical order of the names. If no selectors match a message, it is
delivered to the consumer as normal.
The following property file defines two routes. The first route is named route1 and
will route messages with a priority less than 200 and a reply-to of
ReplyQueue1 . The second route is named route2 and will route messages with a
JMSType of WorkOrder , Manifestdoc or
CatalogQuery . If both routes are active and a message arrives with priority of
250 , reply-to of ReplyQueue1 and a type of ManifestDoc , the
message will be routed to route1 (route1 comes before route2
route1.selector=JMSPriority < 200 and JMSReplyTo \= 'ReplyQueue1'
route2.selector=JMSType in ('WorkOrder', 'ManifestDoc', \
When an active route has been selected, messages are moved to that route's directory. This
directory is located in the routing directory of the dropbox and has the same name as
the route defined in the routing.properties file. On UNIX file systems, this
directory can actually be a symbolic link to another dropbox's target directory
thereby causing messages to be routed from one dropbox to another.
Once the route's selector is defined and the route's directory is in place, the route is ready to be
activated. To activate a route, simply create an in-use file in the routing directory
with a filename of the form {route-name}.in-use . The following example shows how to
activate route1 for TestQueue1 :
UNIX: | |
$ cd $DROPBOX_ROOT/TestQueue1/incoming/routing
$ touch route1.in-use
Windows: | |
C:\> cd %DROPBOX_ROOT%\TestQueue1\incoming\routing
C:\...\routing> echo route > route1.in-use
To deactivating a route, remove the in-use file:
UNIX: | |
$ cd $DROPBOX_ROOT/TestQueue1/incoming/routing
$ rm route1.in-use
Windows: | |
C:\> cd %DROPBOX_ROOT%\TestQueue1\incoming\routing
C:\...\routing> del route1.in-use
DropboxMQ has several mechanisms for controlling if and how quickly messages are produced and
consumed. It is important to note that these mechanisms are only implemented by DropboxMQ clients.
Shell scripts or other non-JMS clients sending and receiving messages will not be affected by these
locks and controls.
Note: If any flow mechanisms are active, any affected DropboxMQ client will log a warning message
once every five minutes per affected producer/consumer.
The Global Read Lock, when in place, prevents all consumers from consuming messages. All DropboxMQ
consumers that attempt to consume messages when the lock is place will behave exactly as though no
messages exist.
To create the Global Read Lock:
UNIX: | |
$ touch global-read-lock
Windows: | |
C:\dropbox> echo lock > global-read-lock
To remove the Global Read Lock:
UNIX: | |
$ rm global-read-lock
Windows: | |
C:\dropbox> del global-read-lock
Local Read Locks also prevent consumers from consuming messages, but these locks only affect
consumers for a single destination.
To create a Local Read Lock on the TestQueue1 queue:
UNIX: | |
$ cd $DROPBOX_ROOT/TestQueue1/incoming
$ touch read-lock
Windows: | |
C:\> cd %DROPBOX_ROOT%\TestQueue1\incoming
C:\...\incoming> echo lock > read-lock
To remove a Local Read Lock on the TestQueue1 queue:
UNIX: | |
$ cd $DROPBOX_ROOT/TestQueue1/incoming
$ rm read-lock
Windows: | |
C:\> cd %DROPBOX_ROOT%\TestQueue1\incoming
C:\...\incoming> del read-lock
Write Lock Properties control if a producer attempting to send a message to a particular destination
will be permitted to do so and if there will be any delay in doing so. Write locks can be
dangerous because they can cause a DropboxMQ client to hang for an indeterminate amount of time.
There are two values that can be specified in the Write Lock Properties:
Name: | delay-milliseconds |
Type: | long |
Default: | -1 (indefinitely) |
Example: | 8000 (8 seconds) |
Specifies how long a producer will wait before being permitted to send a
message. If -1 is specified, the producer will wait indefinitely or until the
target-limit requirement is met. |
Name: | target-limit |
Type: | int |
Default: | 0 |
Example: | 1000 |
Specifies the maximum number of messages that can be waiting on a destination.
If fewer than this number of messages are waiting in the target directory, any
message will be sent without delay (regardless of the delay-milliseconds
value). If 0 is specified, each message will be delayed by the time specified
in delay-milliseconds (or indefinitely if delay-milliseconds is
-1 ). |
If the property file doesn't exist, messages are not delayed at all. If the property file exists,
but no properties are defined, messages will be delayed indefinitely (values default to
delay-milliseconds of -1 and target-limit of 0). This means
that all messages producers of a particular destination can be quickly locked out by simply
touching a write-lock.properties file similarly to how read-lock s are
To create a Write Lock Properties file on the TestQueue1 queue specifying an 8 second delay when
more than 1000 messages exist:
UNIX: | |
$ cd $DROPBOX_ROOT/TestQueue1/incoming
$ echo "delay-milliseconds=8000" > write-lock.properties
$ echo "target-limit=1000" >> write-lock.properties
Windows: | |
C:\> cd %DROPBOX_ROOT%\TestQueue1\incoming
C:\...\incoming> echo delay-milliseconds=8000 > write-lock.properties
C:\...\incoming> echo target-limit=1000 >> write-lock.properties
To remove a Write Lock Properties file on the TestQueue1 queue:
UNIX: | |
$ cd $DROPBOX_ROOT/TestQueue1/incoming
$ rm write-lock.properties
Windows: | |
C:\> cd %DROPBOX_ROOT%\TestQueue1\incoming
C:\...\incoming> del write-lock.properties
NOTE: UNIX commands in this guide were written for the /bin/sh shell and its